Starting solids soon

Let’s try this again. So I am posting from my iPhone, as I usually do. I had my entire post written up, added a picture, but wanted the picture between two paragraphs. I clicked something I wasn’t supposed to, and my post was gone. That is frustrating.

I had written it while sitting in the car burning time while my daughter was at a birthday party. I had arranged for her to have a ride to the party, only to receive a call about 30 minutes later that she didn’t have the consent form with her. I then had to get in the car with the two babies and go out there anyway. By the time we arrived, both babies were peacefully sleeping in their car seats. Rather than going home, we sat in the parking lot, peace and quiet, with the a/c on. With four kids, there is never peace and quiet.

In a earlier post I had mentioned that we were going to do the baby led weaning (BLW) thing with Madison. In America when you say BLW, it is assumed to mean weaning from breastfeeding. In other countries where breastfeeding is more common and accepted, it actually means allowing the baby to lead the way in beginning solids, and by solids I don’t mean store bought jars of purees. After all, what do you think babies ate 300 years before Gerber?

So yesterday I put Madison in the high chair and put some avocado in front of her. I hear avocado is a super food and excellent first food. Personally, I only like avocado when it becomes guacamole. She was squealing away, mainly out of excitement from being in the high chair and didn’t really touch her food. She looked at it with confusion as if she didn’t know how to get it to her mouth, though when it comes to her hands and toys, she has no problem there. Depending on what we eat this week for dinner, I will let her try again…or wait a couple weeks.

In other Madison news, she is getting up on her hands and knees and rocking, and when she isn’t on her knees, she looks like she is planking. Won’t be much longer before she is mobile, then the fun really begins. At the same time I will miss these days when being held and cuddled isn’t the best thing in the world.